Monday, July 30, 2007

Site Specific Browser - A Killer Web 2.0 Application

Site Specific Browser is great web 2.0 application. What is it?

Basically it is a stripped out firefox which is tied to a specific site. If you click on the app's icon, it connects and opens that site. Add Off-line features, it would become a application service. This is going to take off like fire in the near term.

I have been using the notepad for about 10 years to jot down my thoughts. with this tool, I have switched to google docs because i can access it any where instead it getting scatter in different machines and me having a tough time organizing it.

It would be great platform for applications like youtube to organize videos in one's own machine..

Monday, July 23, 2007

Humble Beginning of a New Revolution

OPML is going to become a great platform like HTML to write Applications. Take a look at IUI based OPML browser.. IPhone is the new HyperCard.

I am planning to build a OPML based widgets platform. More Details to follow.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

ASUS Eee PC - First Mass Market Linux Device?

The ASUS custom linux for its Eee PC is the first GUI that has impressed me as very professional quality. While the secret of this $199-$200 laptop might its smaller screen, it has all the ingredients to take the PC platform to the next level. OLPC and Eee PC have the potential to become the PC standard for the future, at least in the 3rd world countries.